Michelle Leong
After dipping her toes in a creative agency, SIM-RMIT alumna, Michelle Leong who has an academic background in early childhood education was hooked on the boundless possibilities in the industry. She made the switch to Marketing and pursued the Bachelor’s programme where she gained a broader understanding of its strategic aspects. With new insights, she’s able to conceptualise creative and exciting gastronomical concepts in her role as a Marketing Manager at Deelish Brands.
Marketing for Gastronomical Success

What sparked your interest in Marketing?
Before enrolling into the Business (Marketing) programme with SIM-RMIT University, I was given the opportunity to join a creative agency. Coming from an early childhood education background with little to no prior knowledge on Marketing, I was really intrigued by how it fuels the success of businesses and the plethora of tools available to drive the strategies. For someone who is not a fan of mundane and repetitive tasks, this industry keeps me on my toes and I was hooked ever since.
Are there any memorable projects that you’ve worked on?
In 2018, Deelish Brands launched its pilot project – Fatburger Singapore. As part of the pioneer team, I flew to Los Angeles, California for training at one of Hollywood’s busiest Fatburger stores for several weeks. From working at the back-of-house preparing food to handling customers, I was able to develop a deep understanding of the brand through this novel experience.
During the launch back in Singapore, I was able to convey the brand’s story and its unique selling points in our marketing messages clearly. This gives me a deep sense of satisfaction to achieve this.
A few other interesting projects I’ve worked on includes the Fashion TV Beach Festival 2013 and the Singapore Versus Juventus football match in 2014.
What are the key principles you’ve picked up from the SIM-RMIT University Marketing Programme?
Through the programme, I’ve gained an in-depth knowledge on Marketing that encompasses more strategies and concepts than what I’ve learnt at work. With that, I was able to successfully apply them to relevant projects afterwards. I personally feel the topics covered in Buyer Behaviour and Strategic Marketing were especially beneficial in building a strong foundation for my marketing skills.
Tell us about your student life experience in SIM.
Hectic with a lot of printing and photocopying! I really enjoyed the collaborative group projects; it’s always great to learn from one another. I was also lucky to be surrounded by passionate lecturers and classmates who were eager to share. The school’s facilities are commendable as well – there was even a games room with a gaming console where we could unwind in between lectures.
What advice do you have for anyone who aspires to work in your field?
If you have the passion, go for it! Marketing is a huge field and it’s always good to do your homework by exploring which aspects of it interests you the most. Speak to people who are in the field and learn more about the roles. You can also read or watch Marketing-related books and videos. I strongly recommend Donald Miller’s podcast on Spotify!
Who is your hero and why?
Personally, I do not have a particular hero. What I do have is a list of people who I look up to for a variety of reasons like their life principles, achievements or in my relationship to them. These people possess qualities that I not only admire but aspire to develop eventually.
#SIM-RMITGraduate #GlobalHero
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Posted online, 04 Sep 2020