Day 1
• Check in - what are you feeling? Intentions for learning
• Mental well-being – a part of our overall health and coping with emotions
• Taking care of our mental well-being and reaching out for support
• Mental well-being self-assessment tool (from Health Hub)
• Self-portrait exercise – Practice listening and affirmation with other participants
Unit 1: Self-Care: The Foundation of Resilience • What is a resilient mindset?
• Iceberg Model – What influences behaviour?
• Bridges Model of Transition
• PERMA+ (Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment and + Sleep) Model of Wellbeing
• Reflections – individual self-care plan, applying the models covered today
Day 2
Unit 2: Care for Peers: Building a Supportive Community
• Strategies to manage emotions during changes, resilience map, self-reflection and creating support
• Applying the iceberg model to caring for peers of – to develop empathy and strategies to understand others better and to show care for peers
Unit 3: Care for Staff: Fostering a Healthy Workplace
• Group discussion – how do we apply what we have learnt into our workplaces (e.g. Bridges, PERMA+ models), what challenges do we need to overcome, how do we influence stakeholders
• Personal strategy for bringing self-care and workplace health back to organisation