Course overview



programme type
Course date

31-07-2025 to 01-08-2025

16-10-2025 to 17-10-2025

degree award


academic level
Course type


projected fees
Course fee

(including GST)

Member Total Fee (inc. 9% gst) : $480.69
Non-Member Total Fee (inc. 9% gst) : $601.68

funding subsidy


Course Overview

As valued staff working in the organization, it is important to understand yourself, others, and bosses. All of us are leaders in our own right and it is crucial to know how to manage the team dynamics to be effective. This programme empowers you with practical skills on getting along with your colleagues, teams, or bosses with various skillsets.

Course benefits

Business Outcomes

  • To have happy and motivated employees in the organisation.
  • To be communicative, effective, and influential team player or a leader
  • To be able to manage work teams and bosses positively and effectively

Learning Outcomes

Through discussion groups, role plays, pair-work, and activities, you will learn

  • To manage yourself with the right skillsets at the workplace
  • To be a good coach and delegator of tasks to your juniors
  • To manage your colleagues and boss more professionally
  • To engage people more effectively by listening to them and be genuinely interested in them
  • To be able to communicate clearly 
  • To give and receive constructive feedback to promote greater team unity
  • To write effectively and clearly

Course outline

1. Managing Self

  • Clarifying your role and areas of responsibility
  • Understanding what is urgent versus important
  • Learning to how manage time and multi-task effectively
  • Learning how to survive at the workplace 
  • Understanding yourself through personality profile and identifying your strengths and blindspots
  • Recognising and building on your strengths 
  • Planning your career options 
  • Learning to keep abreast of technologies

2. Managing Others 

  • Understanding the Circle of Concern, the Circle of Influence & the Circle of Control
  • Learning the art of engaging people with your EQ
  • Learning the art of making people like you 
  • Mastering the art of listening
  • Mastering motivational techniques 

3. Managing Upwards

  • Managing one’s boss
  • Becoming an effective intermediary between your boss & colleagues
  • Learning not to be caught in the crossfire with your bosses
  • Knowing how to multi-task and prioritise
  • Learning the art of winning trust

4. Managing Team Dynamics

  • Giving and receiving constructive feedback
  • Communicating effectively in the team
  • Adopting win-win strategies
  • 5.Managing Communication
  • Planning Your Writing 
  • Organising Your Contents
  • Write Concisely & Clearly In Plain English
  • Communicating with the Right Tone


2 days

Course runs

Who should attend?

(Level 1) Administrative & Support    

(Level 2) Supervisors, Executive, & Emerging Managers    

(Level 3) New Managers    

Programme leader

Tricia Poon is a teacher, trainer, and clinical counsellor with more than twenty years of experience. She has been working with people of diverse backgrounds, personalities, and nationalities. These opportunities have translated to an added advantage in understanding and communicating with people effectively. 

As a teacher, students and participants, not only enjoy her innovative pedagogy, but she is also well-loved by them. Her teaching style also reflects her personality: engaging, energetic, and enthusiastic. She was a guest speaker at the NUS Medical School and inspired students with her passion and zeal.

As a trainer, she has conducted various business and counselling courses both regionally and locally. At the community level, she has also conducted various communication and counselling workshops.

In addition, Ms Poon holds a Master of Arts in Clinical Counselling (TCA College), a Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling (University of Wales), Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies (TCA College), as well as a Bachelor in Business Administration (NUS).

She believes in empowering people to learn, and she hopes to inspire, impact, and influence people to have a love and passion for learning and life.

Course fee

Programme Executive In Charge : Patricia Lee

Telephone number : 6248 9447

Email :

Non-members are welcome to sign up for SIM membership to enjoy the discounted rate.

To register for the programmes now, select the preferred programme run-dates below through the register icon.
