Mastering Millennials

Mastering Millennials
3 Aug 2019 (Sat) | 9.30am- 12.30pm
Venue: SIM HQ, Blk A Level 2, SR A.2.11
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Whether at home or at work, we interface with millennials increasingly. Learn how best to max out home or work relationships with millennials.
Let us deep dive into the world or millennials; get behind their thinking and lingo; get up to speed with their hopes, fears and aspirations; get the best out of the millennials around you. #ftw
- What makes the millennial generation different from the rest?
- How to motivate, communicate and engage better with millennials; establish and build better rapport
- How to build strong work ethnics amongst millennials and capitalise on their strengths
The Speaker
Vivek Iyyani helps organisations prepare for the future and he believes the future is Millennial. He trains leaders to understand the Millennial generation better so that they can work productively in inter-generational teams, leveraging on one another’s strengths.