Bachelor of Design (Communication Design) (Top-up)

RMIT University

Programme Overview

Academic Level
Academic Level

Bachelor's Degree, top-up

Awarded by
Awarded by

RMIT University, Australia

Programme type
Programme type

Full-time, 1 year

Campus location
Campus location

SIM Campus

Application Dates
Application Dates

11 Jan to 25 Apr 2025 (Jul 2025 Intake)

Estimated Fees (incl. GST)
Estimated Fees

(incl. GST)*

S$24,328.80 to S$27,624.96

* Exclude application fee, preparatory or bridging course fee, and other fees. Refer to the Fees & Financial Aid section for details.

Programme Outline

Awarded and developed by: RMIT University, Australia

Communication Design is concerned with developing the message and creating new media channels to reach the intended audience.

This holistic approach seeks to attract, inspire and motivate people to respond to messages, with a view to building brand awareness, moving sales, donating to humanitarian purposes, or voting for a political party.

Examples of Communication Design practice include the information architecture and design of Websites, typography, illustration, advertising, ambient media, visual identity design, the performing arts, copywriting, and professional writing of creative text.

Students will have the opportunity to travel to Melbourne, Australia for their study trip to explore and learn art and culture in the world of communication and design.

Professional Associations

The Communication Design programme has associations with the following organisations:

  • The Australian Graphic Design Association (AGDA): the peak national organisation for professional graphic designers.
  • Design Institute Australia (DIA): Australia’s professional membership body for designers and design businesses.
  • Interaction Design Association (IxDA): a global network dedicated to the professional practice of Interaction Design.

Application Requirement

Applicants are required to complete and submit softcopy (pdf format) selection kit to present and explain their work to the selection officers. This is a requirement in addition to the online application submission.


Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this programme, you will be equipped with the creative conceptual thinking skills to deal with the changing communication design needs in the global economy.

Further Studies & Career Prospects

The programme is a fully accredited Australia undergraduate degree and generally qualifies graduates for consideration for admission to the Bachelor of Design (Communication Design) (Honours) and Master of Communication Design by Coursework and Master of Design by Research.

The programme focuses on students’ preparation for careers in a broad range of Communication and Design professional outcomes, including:

  • Design studios
  • Interdisciplinary Communication studies
  • Publishing Houses
  • New Media and Advertising Design studios

Hear from our students
A Design Student Reviews SIM-RMIT's Bachelor of Design Programme
A Design Student Reviews SIM-RMIT's Bachelor of Design Programme

Graduating from LASALLE College of the Arts, Pauline Theodora Tandiah applied for SIM-RMIT University’s Bachelor of Design in Communication Design after hearing positive reviews from her friends. Looking back, she shares her experience of being in “one of the best universities I know for my course” where she honed her skillset and was exposed to international cultures.

Read story

Why study at SIM x RMIT University

SIM is the leading private education institution in Singapore
Excellent value with lower tuition costs in SIM, with the opportunity for a two-week study tour to RMIT’s Melbourne Campus.
Ranked 5th globally for sustainability impact (Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2024)
RMIT courses are co-designed with industry to give you the practical skills needed to succeed in the workforce.
Learn more about RMIT University

Intake Dates

Jul 2025 Intake


1 year (01 Jul 2025 to 30 Jun 2026)


11 Jan - 25 Apr 2025 (Local and International applicants)

The maximum period allowed to complete the programme is 1.5 years.

There will not be any refund should the student fail to complete the course within the maximum allowed period.

Students who exceed their candidature period will not be allowed to remain in the programme, unless an extension to the candidature period is approved by the University.



  • The mode of delivery is classroom learning.
  • This programme is taught in a combination of lectures and tutorials by the RMIT visiting lecturers and Singapore-based lecturers.
  • Students are required to organise a graduation exhibition to showcase their work to the University and the industry at the end of the programme.
  • This programme is taught by faculty from RMIT University, as well as local academics and practitioners in the industry.
    View a list of lecturers’ teaching modules (PDF 395 KB)
  • The average teacher:student ratio is 1:34.
  • For modules taught by RMIT faculty, classes are conducted on an intensive mode: lectures are scheduled over 1 to 2 weeks consecutively.
  • Modules delivered by local academics are run on a regular mode, with classes scheduled over 6 to 12 weeks, at least 3 to 4 times a week for a 4-month and 2-month durations.
  • Classes are of 3 hours duration per session with 10 to 15 minutes break and are scheduled on weekday mornings or afternoons at SIM Campus, unless otherwise stated.
  • Class requires a minimum of 50 students to commence.
  • In the event that the above minimum number is not met, the intake will not commence. Students will be informed within 30 days before class commences.

Assessment & Attendance

  • Assessment will be a combination of individual briefs and group projects to address communication design issues for a range of industry-based briefs as applied to Communication Design.
  • The assessment requirements may include class tests, assignments, essays, projects and presentations or other forms of assessment appropriate to the objective of the programme.
  • Assessment is required for every module and is normally held every month in each term. It is subjected to changes by RMIT University.
  • Students need to repeat the module which they have failed when it is offered in the same period the following year.
  • As a culmination of the programme, a graduation exhibition show will be held to showcase the work of the graduating students. This enhances the students’ skills in organising a successful event comparable to the bona fide corporate world and showcases students for the industry.
  • Attendance requirement:
    • Local students: 75%
    • International students: 90%

Requirements to Graduate

Students will be considered as being eligible for the award of the Bachelor of Design (Communication Design) when they have satisfactorily completed all academic requirements of the programme as detailed in the Programme Structure.

The degree can be awarded with Distinction based on the student’s academic performance. A degree conferral ceremony is held in August or September each year in Singapore.


This advanced standing programme is offered full time, comprises of 144 credit points, and can be completed in one year.

Applicants should have relevant qualification in Communication Design-related disciplines.

Students will undertake a Study Tour to RMIT Melbourne for the delivery and completion of the GRAP2250 Studio 4 Communication Design module, and to experience design in a different cultural context supported by the RMIT University’s faculty.

  • By undertaking the Study Tour to RMIT Melbourne, students will be responsible for all expenses. Costs for study trip will be advised in a timely manner.

View list of modules and outlines (PDF 121 KB)
View details on the programme structure (PDF 76 KB)

Note: The modules are pre-determined and are subjected to changes by the University.


Admission Criteria

Accepted Entry Qualifications

This is an advanced standing programme. Applicants should have a diploma in Graphic Design, Communication Design or a related field of study from a polytechnic or similar institution.

Diplomas in any other disciplines or from other institutions with good portfolio presentations will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The following diplomas are accepted:

  • Diploma in Visual Communication
  • Diploma in Interactive Media Design
  • Diploma in Communication Design

  • Diploma in Visual Communication
  • Diploma in Industrial Design
  • Diploma in Space and Interior Design
  • Diploma in Interaction Design
  • Diploma in Motion Graphics and Design

  • Diploma in Creative Media Design
  • Diploma in Experience and Product Design
  • Diploma in Interior Design
  • Diploma in Visual Communication and Media Design

  • Diploma in Design for Interactivity
  • Diploma in Interactive and Digital Media
  • Diploma in Media Production and Design

  • Diploma in Digital Visual Effects
  • Diploma in Film Sound and Video

  • Diploma in Design Communication

  • Diploma in Graphic Communication
  • Diploma in Screen Media
  • Diploma in Illustration and Animation
  • Diploma in Interior and Exhibition Design

English Language Requirements

Applicants who have achieved one of the following qualifications/studies, where English is the language of teaching and assessment no more than two years prior to the RMIT program commencement date (unless otherwise advised), will meet the English language entry criteria to the program(s):

  • GCE ‘A’ levels at a Singaporean high school with
    • Minimum C or better in General Paper at AS / H1 Level; or
    • Minimum C grade in H2 subject (excluding language subjects and Mathematics and Music) for A level English – Singapore H2 (previously known as “A level” subject); or
  • SIM diplomas as approved by RMIT; or
  • Other RMIT approved local diplomas with duration less than 3 years; or
  • Candidates with 3-year full-time diploma qualification from a Singaporean Polytechnic, LASALLE College of the Arts, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts or B.C.A Academy, within 5 years prior to the commencement of the RMIT programme; or
  • A minimum of one-year full-time study in an award equivalent to an Australian diploma, advanced diploma, associate degree, bachelor degree; or
  • One semester full-time of a postgraduate qualification (equivalent to an Australian graduate certificate or higher).


Applicants will be deemed to have met the English Language criteria with no time limitation; if they have completed one of the abovementioned qualification/studies and have a minimum of 6 years primary/secondary studies of which a minimum of 2 years of this study was undertaken at secondary / senior secondary level, and where the studies was taught and assessed entirely in English from Singapore or other English-speaking country recognised by RMIT.

Learn more about recognised qualifications

All other applicants can meet the English language entry criteria through the completion of one of the following approved English language proficiency tests no more than two years prior to the RMIT program commencement date:

  • IELTS (Academic): 6.5 (no band less than 6.0);
  • TOEFL (internet-based test) – iBT: Overall score 79 (with minimum score of 13 in Reading, 12 in Listening, 18 in Speaking and 21 in Writing);
  • Pearson Test of English (Academic) – PTE(A): 58 (no communication band less than 50);
  • Cambridge English (Advanced CAE): 176 with no less than 169 in any component;
  • RMIT English Worldwide (REW) Advanced Plus or equivalent; OR
  • The completion of other equivalent qualifications, as approved by RMIT University.


Application Requirement

In addition to the online application submission, applicants are required to complete and submit a softcopy (pdf format) Selection Kit to present and explain their work to the selection officers.

While the main selection is done by the selection officers of RMIT based on the selection kit submitted by applicants, selected applicants may be required to attend an interview session at SIM to assess their suitability for entry into the programme.

These selected applicants will present their folio to a RMIT university panel comprising the RMIT University Offshore Programme Director or their nominee.

Download the Selection Kit template (PDF 98 KB)

View guidelines on what to include in your kit


Fees & Financial Aid

Programme fees are payable over 4 terms. Actual term fees may vary depending upon modules taken. Not all modules will be offered in every term.

First term fee payable upon acceptance of offer. Subsequent term fees payable before commencement of term.

Note that all expenses for the Melbourne Study Tour will be borne by the students.

View all payment modes.

Programme Fees 

Entry Route & Modules Required

Singaporeans & PRs

International Students

144 credit points
(12 months payable over 4 terms)



The course fees and repeat fees quoted are based on:

  • S$168.95 (local student), S$191.84 (international student) per credit point.  (Amount reflected is rounded to the nearest cents) 


  • Fees are valid for Jul 2025 intake only.
  • For subsequent intakes, please visit website nearer the application period for updated information.

All fees inclusive of 9% GST (exclude textbooks / course materials).

Mandatory Fees

All fees inclusive of prevailing GST.

Student Development Fee

Applicable to all students embarking on a full-time Diploma or Undergraduate programme at SIM. This fee goes towards activities that will help in students’ personal growth and equip them with functional skills that enhance their employability.  Payable with the programme fees' first instalment.


International Student Induction Fee

A one-time fee payable by new full-time international students. This fee covers pre-arrival and arrival support, including activities to enhance the international student learning experience.


Application Fee

Payable for each application form that is submitted. Fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. The fee will be refunded fully only if the intake does not commence. Unpaid applications will not be processed.

Local applicants: S$109.00

International applicants: S$545.00
(not inclusive of Student’s Pass application)