Career Services

The Career Connect department supports students to develop a competitive edge in their career, build industry networking and professional connections, and streamline their career aspirations. We offer:
  • Career workshops
  • Career guidance (résumé review, mock interview, profiling, etc.)
  • Internship and job opportunities
  • Career events (career talks, company visits, networking events, career fairs, etc.)

Students will be able to download and access CareerSense app - a one-stop integrated online hub to browse and apply for internships, jobs and career events.
For IOS Users : Download on the Apple App Store 
For Android Users: Download on the Google Play Store


Career Champs

Career Champs (CC) is a student-centric platform that acts as a bridge between students and the corporate world.

It is designed to serve the career needs of our learners (students and working adults), boost employability, and facilitate career transition and progression.

CC aims to :

  • Accelerate your career journey through upskilling individuals in the VUCA world
  • Connect you to alumni and professionals in your industry of choice
  • Empower you to discover your career interests and increase your chances of getting your dream internship or job

ACE your Future with Career Champs

For more information, email our team at


Career Events & Programmes

Network and gain industry insights at our various career events and programmes. We have industry partners’ sharing sessions to help you build professional rapport with employers, enhance your employability, and hone resume writing and interview skills.

We organise events and programmes such as:

  • Career and internship fairs
  • Career talks
  • Company visits
  • Fireside chats
  • Leadership talks and webinars
  • Networking events


Internships bridge students and graduates into the realities of the working world, and allow you to test your abilities in real-world business scenarios.

We also work with companies from promising SMEs to MNCs on a range of internship positions. You can source for your own internship or apply for the Talent Development Programme, an in-house internship with SIM’s Career Connect Office.

SIM60 Work-Integrated Learning for Life (WILL) Award
SIM is proud to introduce the SIM60 WILL Award, recognising students who actively participate in various forms of internships. This initiative celebrates students’ commitment to gaining real-world experience and developing holistically—enhancing their cognitive (Head), affective (Heart), and psychomotor (Hands) skills to excel in your future careers.

Through internship participation, students acquire critical competencies that boost your employability and give you a competitive edge in today’s dynamic job market. Award application is now open on SIM Connect
Click on [ My Apps> Self Service > Campus Finances > Financial Aid > Apply for Bursary] to apply.

*Application should only be done upon successful completion of internship. 

SIM Corporate Internship (Local) must be undertaken within SIM's corporate departments (roles available on CareerSense App, subject to availability). 




Project Protégé is a four-month structured mentorship programme that allows you to learn from our alumni mentors who are established in their field of expertise. Gain life insights as you prepare to make your mark in the global workplace.

Learn more

EDGE Award


The EDGE Award is a prestigious certificate, developed in partnership with employers, to recognise your cumulative achievements in your learning journey. As you work towards the Award, we hope that the process will assist you to make the most of your time at SIM and eventually to be able to formally demonstrate the skills and attributes you have developed to prospective employers.
Through your journey at SIM, we aim to provide a conducive and supportive environment, and create as many opportunities as possible, to foster:

  • Core attributes of resourcefulness, resilience and responsibility;
  • Deep professional competencies in your chosen disciplines and equip you with the ability to continue learning throughout your lives; and
  • Corporate-readiness by being confident leaders in your own right, being good team-players, taking the initiative to solve problems, and being able to communicate effectively across all levels.
These attributes have been collected over time based on inputs from employers, academics, staff, as well as our graduates and students, and distilled into this short list which we call the SIM Graduate Attributes. Of course, different employers may focus on different attributes, and the skills required for different jobs may differ. But through our conversations with our key stakeholders, the above reflect the most fundamental attributes that employers are looking for when they hire, irrespective of the job or company.

What do these attributes mean?
Resourcefulness describes a person who knows how to assess and understand a situation, determine the right kind of information or resources needed and where to find them, learn fast, and quickly deal with the situation. Such a person would be creative in thinking and problem solving, flexible, adaptable, practical and able to manage new or difficult situations confidently – perhaps even ‘street smart’ in the positive sense, of course!
Resilience describes someone who is able to face challenges and set-backs in his/her life and be able to ‘bounce back’ from such situations and successfully overcome them. This calls for strong determination, tenacity, perseverance and a ‘can-do’ spirit to keep going even when things get tough, or when faced with new and unfamiliar situations.
Responsibility calls for ownership and accountability. A responsible person is one who is self-driven, reliable and trustworthy, and will see through any task assigned to him/her until it is properly completed with due consideration for any ethical, moral and legal implications where applicable. He/she will also be one who is in touch with both local and global issues and remains socially responsible for his/her local community yet being a global citizen at the same time.
Deep professional competency requires you to have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of your particular field of study, together with a broad range of skills required to succeed in a career in that field. Some people call this a ‘T-shaped’ graduate where you have both the breadth of skills (the top bar of the ‘T’) and depth of specialised knowledge  to be an expert in your own field.
Continuous learning is a must in the 21st century and beyond! With the rapid rise of globalisation of businesses, ubiquitous communication networks making information readily available any time anywhere, ‘uberisation’ of services, and other disruptive technologies that are changing the way we live, work and play, your survival will depend very much on how fast you can learn, unlearn and re-learn to adapt to the changes. Many of the jobs that you know of today, may not be around much longer so you will need to be prepared to constantly acquire new knowledge and skills to stay relevant and employable!
Leadership qualities are always much sought after by employers as they are constantly looking for new talents to groom into their future managers. That is a career goal that you can certainly strive for, but here we want you to also think beyond just rising up the usual organisation chart of a company, and to aim to be leaders in your own right – to excel in everything that you set your heart to do! You can be a leader in your own enterprise, your own sport, or in the arts, or in your craft – wherever you can make an impact on the world!
Team players believe in harnessing the collective strengths, experiences and wisdom of their group members to achieve goals that go way beyond what an individual can accomplish. Being an independent and self-reliant person is important, but you will also need to be comfortable to work collaboratively in teams and to lead teams to do well in many situations, including teams that work across national borders with different cultures and mind sets.
Problem solving is a skill that is increasingly being sought after by employers. In line with what has already been said above, organisations will increasingly be faced with more and more complex problems in the 21st century. Solving such problems will call for a quick analytical mind, clear and systematic thinking, yet flexible enough to be creative and think out-of-the-box when called for, so as to find suitable solutions.
Effective communication has also been identified as one of the key 21st century skills that are required for success in the workplace. This includes the ability to articulate your thoughts and ideas clearly through written and oral means, videos, etc. to your audience (including cross-culturally), leveraging media-rich communication tools for more impactful presentations. In a sense, this attribute caps off all the other attributes because if you possess all the above but cannot convey your knowledge, thoughts and ideas in an engaging and clear manner, you may have a difficult time convincing your audience of what you have inside you!

To attain the Award, applicants will need to accumulate evidence of learning in each of the following five broad categories:
1. University Involvement
There are many activities offered at SIM that you can participate in to count as evidence for this category.
2. Community Engagement
Applicants need to show evidence of participation in community projects on campus or outside.
3. Work/voluntary Experience
Applicants need to show evidence of work experience of a reasonable length of time. This work can be paid or voluntary with a legitimate company/enterprise that is locally- or overseas-based.
4. Global Awareness
There are many definitions for the term ‘global awareness’. Generally, a globally aware person is one that possesses the knowledge, competencies, values, and the right attitude to respond appropriately, demonstrate empathy, and engage in effective communications in diverse community settings. These settings may cut across social, cultural, political, environmental, geographic, and economic boundaries.
Applicants may demonstrate, for example, your involvement in any form of cross-cultural activities or societies that have helped you to develop a better awareness of cultures that are not your own, whether they are on campus, or overseas.
5. Additional Skills
There are many learning opportunities offered in SIM that will help you build up your personal skills ‘toolbox’ to help you be ready for life and work. You may demonstrate acquisition of these skills through workshop certificates, evidence of your work done during these workshops (e.g. photos, videos), and/or any other evidence you would like to share.

Who is eligible to apply?
This Award is opened to final year undergraduate students enrolled in any of our degree programmes.
Application due date (from 2025 onwards): 31st March & 30th September of each year
Click here to download the application form & checklist.
Click the SIM EDGE Award Handbook to find out more information about it. 


Get In Touch

Reach out to the Career Connect team online or on campus. We welcome all student queries pertaining to career development.

Location: Career Connect, SIM Campus, Block B, Level 1
Opening hours: Open on weekdays, 9am to 5pm
Phone: 6248 0281

Connect with us on our social media channels:
Facebook: SIM Career Connect
Instagram: @simcareerconnect
