Visa Information

Work Permit Information

Foreign professionals and entrepreneurs working in Singapore with a valid work permit should take note of the following guidelines by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and ICA:

  • Applicants who wish to pursue full-time studies in a Singapore Institution are required to cancel their work pass and apply for a student’s pass. The granting of the student’s pass is subject to ICA’s approval.
  • Applicants must submit proof of cancellation of work pass with MOM or a copy of social visit pass that is currently valid. SIM GE will inform you on the submission of these documents via email.

Student's Pass Information

International students wishing to pursue full-time studies in Singapore are required to hold a Student’s Pass (STP) in order to attend physical classes.

SIM GE provides assistance to submit your application with Singapore's Immigration & Checkpoint Authority (ICA). The granting of the Student’s Pass is subject to approval by ICA.

Current STP holders studying at SIM or another school are required to indicate the FIN number in the application form so as to avoid any delays in the application process.

Application, Payment & Collection

New applications

  • New applications must be submitted at least two to six months before the course commencement date.
  • Applicants need not be in Singapore while their applications are being processed. ICA will not grant extension of stay in Singapore while the processing is underway.
  • Applicants are required to be in Singapore to complete formalities in person at ICA Building for the issuance of Student’s Pass only after their applications have been approved. ICA will issue the Student’s Pass within one month before the course commencement date.


New applications are to be submitted via the SIMConnect Applicant Portal.

The following documents may be required by the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority of Singapore (ICA):

Applicant of the Student’s Pass:

  • Passport (Bio-data page)(photocopy)
  • Passport-size photo
  • Birth Certificate (Original native Language and English-translated version)
  • Documentary proof of financial ability in the form of bank statements/fixed deposit accounts/saving accounts (photocopy) -applicable if the applicant requires a visa to enter Singapore.

If one of the applicant’s parents or step-parents is a Singapore citizen or permanent resident:

  • Parent’s/step-parent’s official marriage/divorce certificate and applicant’s custody paper, where applicable (photocopy);
  • Parent’s/step-parent’s highest educational certificate (photocopy);
  • Parent’s/step-parent’s letter of employment (letter should state date of commencement of employment, designation, and salary per month) or copy of Business Registration Certificate (Instant Computer Printout) if applicant’s parent/step-parent is self-employed. These documents should not be issued more than one month ago;
  • Parent’s/step-parent’s monthly CPF contribution for the past 12 months;
  • Parent’s/step-parent’s Income Tax Assessment Notices for the past 3 years (photocopy).

If applicant’s spouse is a Singapore citizen or permanent resident:

  • Spouse’s marriage/divorce certificate, where applicable (photocopy);
  • Spouse’s highest educational certificates (photocopy);
  • Spouse’s letter of employment (letter should state date of commencement of employment, designation, and salary per month) or Business Registration Certificate (Instant Computer Printout) if applicant’s spouse is self-employed. These documents should not be issued more than one month ago;
  • Spouse’s monthly CPF contribution for the past 12 months;
  • Spouse’s Income Tax Assessment Notices for the past 3 years (photocopy).

Note: Successful applicants are required to produce all original copies of their basic and supporting documents for verification when completing formaliites in person at ICA Building.

Processing Time

The normal processing time is 4-5 weeks upon receipt of the STP application and required documents. However, some applications may take a longer time to process. Applicants will be notified of the outcome via email. You are advised to check your email inbox (including spam and junk folders) regularly.

Payment of Issuance Fee

  • The In-Principle Approval letter will be issued upon approval of the STP application.
  • Upon approval of the STP application, the applicant / student is required to complete the formalities online and pay the issuance fee online to ICA.
  • The issuance fee amount is S$60. An additional fee of S$30 is required if the applicant / student requires a visa to enter Singapore.

Make E-appointment to complete formalities at ICA Building

  • Once payment of the issuance fee is made, proceed to make E-appointment via the ICA e-appointment facility to complete formalities in person at ICA Building.
  • E-appointment should be made upon confirmation of travel arrangements to enter Singapore.
  • The completion of formalities is strictly by appointment at the collection point at ICA Building.
  • The E-appointment date should be 1 month or less before course commencement date.

ICA Address:
Level 4
ICA Building
10 Kallang Road
Singapore 208718
(Next to Lavender MRT station, green line)

Documents required when completing formalities in person at ICA Building

Successful applicants are required to produce all original copies of their basic and supporting documents for verification when completing formalities at ICA Building.

  • ICA In-principle Approval Letter
  • SIM Offer Letter / School Certification Letter from SIM Student Services if e-appointment is more than one month from the date indicated on your SIM Offer Letter
  • Original Birth Certificate
  • Original Education Qualifications
  • Medical Report (if required)
  • Embarkation/Disembarkation Card
  • Passport
  • Passport-sized photograph (with white background)
  • T&C acknowledgement of the Students' Pass (STP) Card (PDF 140 KB)

Note: If documents are not in English, please provide a translated or notarised version.

Issuance of Digital Student's Pass

  • Upon sucessful completion of formalities, ICA will issue the digital Student's Pass within 24 hours via email.
  • ICA will email to the email address as indicated in the STP application.

In-Principle-Approval Letter (IPA) / Social Visit Pass (SVP):

  • The IPA letter is a document to allow students to gain entry into Singapore.
  • Upon arrival in Singapore, a Social Visit Pass (SVP) is issued to the applicant.
  • The SVP may be stamped onto the passport or emailed to applicant’s email account. You are advised to check your email.
  • The SVP is the official approval to stay in Singapore while pending the collection of the STP.
  • Student needs to extend the Social Visit Pass upon expiry directly with ICA.

Pass Renewal/Transfer

For students who are renewing their Student's Pass to continue the same programme at SIM:

  • Look out for the email from your Programme Coordinator for instruction on STP application in SIMCONNECT. 

For students who are changing programmes at SIM:

  • Look out for the email from your Programme Coordinator for instruction on STP application in SIMCONNECT.