Kwek Xin Lin

My learning journey in SIM GE has been a particularly fulfilling and eye-opening experience. I realise there is so much more to discover, learn and experience. Through this journey, I’ve become very certain of what I’m passionate about - to build community and bridge gaps through events.
Discover SIM GE Kwek Xin Lin, a first year student from the SIM-University of Stirling Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sustainable Events Management programme, shares how the course is equipping her with the skills and knowledge to attain success when she steps into the workforce. Pursuing Her Passion “Prior to my degree, I was studying the Real Estate Business diploma programme at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. During my internship placement, I was given a chance to work in an Advertising & Promotions department. That was where my passion was set in place. As I genuinely enjoyed running events and marketing campaigns, I knew this was a major that I wanted to pursue.” Gaining New Perspectives “I personally enjoy the university’s learning approach. I am intrigued by the quality of the lectures that are conducted by the professors from Scotland. It is also interesting to view and understand certain subject matters from the perspectives of the lecturers as they are from the other side of the globe and have different experiences. Through the professors’ perspectives, we’ve benefited and gain more insights into the events industry.” A Fulfilling Learning Journey “My learning journey in SIM GE has been a particularly fulfilling and eye-opening experience. I realise there is so much more to discover, learn and experience. Through this journey, I’ve become very certain of what I’m passionate about - to build community and bridge the gap through events. Also, I’ve learnt to take on an algorithmic thinking to create a slew of approaches instead of focusing on just one strategy.” Stepping Out With Confidence “I hope to embark on a career which focuses on social and environmental causes. This degree programme covers various issues on sustainability in an events context. It has prepped me with the relevant knowledge, and I’m also able to keep up to date with current affairs and potential emerging concerns. The comprehensive theory that has been taught, gives me confidence when I step into the working world.” Posted online, 18 April 2018